Hello. My name is Rachel and I’m an addict.

I can’t turn away from any blog post, magazine article, business book, social media share, or podcast that promises to show me how to grow my business/be more successful/earn more money/learn my leadership style/leverage my strengths/communicate better/lose 10 pounds.

I regularly dive down rabbit holes of the latest-and-greatest in professional development. I’m quick to share cool things that might relate to our clients, colleagues, and friends. I love flushing out new ideas and applying what I learn to find out-of-the-box solutions.

What have I gained from soaking up an inordinate number of tips, tricks, ideas, concepts, strategies and plans from every imaginable source?

A freakin’ headache.

When I first started working for myself, I finally found where I fit in the world. I embraced the weird juxtaposition of being both terrified and thrilled about calling all the shots. I couldn’t wait to grow something from the ground up that’s sole purpose was to help other business owners just like me.

I knew there was no way to know all the things about the life I was embarking on; there was so much learning to be done, and I couldn’t inhale knowledge fast enough.

And I loved every minute of it.

Over the years, I’ve gotten much better at curating content and discovering who the experts really are, and quickly tossing the junk. But, instead of getting excited about fresh new ideas, and seeking out new ways of thinking, and discovering new skills I’d like to learn, all I see are constant contradictions and regular reminders that I’m not yet “good enough.” I catch myself always thinking in circles, and I’m regularly told that I’m “not there yet.”

But, the truth is, none of us will ever “get there” if we can’t take what we learn, pull it apart, and only pay attention to the bits and pieces that resonate to our individual lives.

If I were to take all the professional and personal development advice from my favorite trusted sources from the past week alone and mushed it together, here’s what the Ultimate Top 5 Insights that Will Solve All the World’s Problems would look like:

  1. Focus every extra penny on debt reduction, but put every extra dollar into saving and investing for the future. Tackle your debt first, then save. But, make sure you’re saving before paying off debt. Because being completely debt-free will make you financially free. Because saving for the future is most important.
  2. If you purchase these gadgets and download these apps, your life will become infinitely more productive and you’ll speed through getting a gazillion things done at the same time. And remember, completely “unplugging” is good for the soul, so turn off the electronics and embrace quiet time. And don’t spend your money on gadgets because investing in experiences over things equate to exponential happiness. Plus buying the gadgets will help you do more and be more and earn more and work more. Because vacations.
  3. To be successful, make sure you do these 15 specific things before 6 a.m. But remember, being a little lazy is the key to success; it’s important to slow down and give yourself time and space to think and daydream and create. But the most successful entrepreneurs are insanely disciplined with these 10 daily habits and have sacrificed these 5 things to achieve greatness. And remember to slow down and get enough rest. You can sleep when you’re dead.
  4. One thing you should never skimp on is investing in is a solid, actionable marketing plan. But, these free tools will automate everything and you will see your profits soar without lifting a finger. Implement this one key marketing strategy … I mean, these 5 key things … or just these 3 things … and you’ll stay top of mind for all the people. But don’t worry too much about it because it’s automated.
  5. Social media is super easy in 2 minutes a day. But make sure you build an intricate plan because it’s always a moving target. Write good.

At the end of the day, I think the most important thing to take away from the constant bombardment of so-called expert advice is to simply commit to being the best person you can be. Give more than you receive, learn to be present, have faith that where you are now is exactly where you’re supposed to be, and continually try to learn something new every day.

The rest of it probably doesn’t matter too much.

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