I started my business almost a decade ago for a lot of reasons. What ranks up at the top is simply that I really, really wanted to work with cool people who do cool stuff.

It’s often drilled into us to define our “ideal client.” I’ve never been able to easily do that, mostly because I am not attached to which industry our clients are in, how large their businesses are, if they’re male or female, where they’re located, how old they are, or if they prefer thin crust or deep dish.

What matters to me is personality and understanding their journey to get where they want to be. It matters because I’m on that journey, too, and there’s nothing like working together with like-minded people to get the job done.

I recently connected with some of my B2B business-owner pals over cocktails. I took an informal survey about what some of their favorite customers have in common; there were lots of common threads between how we all define our ideal clients.

1. They’re fearless.
That’s not to say our clients aren’t afraid. Most business owners have a healthy respect for the pit that forms in their gut before they take the next big step on their entrepreneurial adventure. The difference is they take the step anyway. They’re driven to overcome and accomplish, and there’s nothing like the celebration that erupts when they come out on the other side … often more successful than they anticipated.

2. They don’t micromanage
Good clients have no interest in being General Manager of the Universe. They understand the investment they’re making in your product or service. They’re confident that projects will get done on time and on budget, they trust your guidance, and they know you’ll ask the right questions at the right time. They hired you to do something they can’t (or shouldn’t) do, and they give you the space to do your best work.

3. They push us to be better
The best clients push us to be better versions of ourselves. They challenge us to improve, to be more efficient, and to learn more. It is a privilege to work with amazingly awesome people who use their knowledge and leadership for the greater good and with the intent of lifting those around them higher.

4. They understand the value of their time
Our most successful clients fully understand the value of their time. Just because they can do something, they know it doesn’t mean they should. Yes, they’re capable of putting together email campaigns, or doing their own bookkeeping, or building and implementing business process, or teaching themselves marketing strategy. But, they also know that every hour they spend doing these things, it’s one hour less to spend on things that directly generate revenue – client services, business development, strategic planning, and other items that only the company owner can do.

5. They thrive on building relationships
The best clients are driven by establishing, building, and honoring all their relationships – with their own customers, with their vendors, and with their teams. They understand that in order to get the work done, it requires not only collaboration and teamwork, but also the support of their tribe. Everything they do starts with trust, loyalty, and having fun with the people they surround themselves with.

6. They’re scrappy
This is one of the biggest reasons I love working with small business owners. Scrappiness breeds innovation and creativity, which leads to cool things happening … fast. They stay away from anything that requires “decision by committee,” instead relying on feedback from a few trusted stakeholders, reviewing their goals, and checking the numbers. Then they rely on their innate ability to simply Get. Stuff. Done.

7. They laugh. A lot.
This is my personal favorite. Running a business is hard, stressful, exhausting work. But, favorite clients are quick to roll their eyes at themselves and not take life quite so seriously. All of us entrepreneurs put our livelihoods on the line every single day. One of the best ways to break the tension that comes with that level of stress is to laugh at the (sometimes absurd) twists and turns of business-owner life.

When defining your ideal client, it’s just as important to think about personality traits, work habits and leadership styles as it is demographics and target industries. If you know you’ll jive with your clients on a personal level, it will push your collaboration and cooperation to the next level and, together, you accomplish great things.

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